Ari Liloan for Esquire Germany

Ari Liloan for Esquire Germany


It is the season of grilling!

Esquire magazine asked the brilliant Ari Liloan to create a range of exaggerated, fun and colourful illustrations for their summer issue depicting the story of sunshine and sizzle with a funny and honest twist, 'Grilling & BBQ'.

Ari brought playfulness, decadence, glamour and style with a revolutionary edge.

'Damals, als die Menschen noch in Höhlen wohnten und in ihrer Freizeit gerne froren und rohes Reh aßen. Es brauchte viele Gewitter, viel verbrannte Erde, bis die Menschheit begriff, dass sich das Feuer nicht nur löschen, sondern auch zähmen lässt. Dass die hellen Flammen nicht nur Gefahr bedeuten, sondern auch: Geil, grillen'.

'Back when people still lived in caves and liked to freeze and eat raw deer in their free time. It took many thunderstorms and a lot of scorched earth for humanity to understand that fire could not only be extinguished, but also tamed. That the bright flames not only mean danger, but also: Great, grilling'.

It is a great read, you can check out the full story for yourselves via the Esquire website here.

A thank you to the brilliant Daniel Pietsch

Project managed by Sally Paley

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